I will be teaching a one day Grasshopper Training Class on May 24th, 2009 (note the date change from previous posting) from 9:00am-5:00pm at Forward Design Office (Thank you to Jeffrey Kim for setting it up!) The class will be geared to beginners/intermediate levels with no prior knowledge of Grasshopper needed. If you are interested in signing up for for the class please email jeffrey@fwdoffice.com Cost $250.00 per person and open to students and professionals (laptops required).
Location: Forward Design Office 758 East Colorado Blvd, Suite 210 Pasadena, CA 91101
Topics to be covered:
Persistent/Volatile Data
Scalar Operators
Custom Functions
Data Management/Data Trees
Vector Basics (including point attractors)
Curve Types
Surface Types (including paneling tools, and diagrids)
and much more...