Advanced Grasshopper Workshop in Pasadena, CA
May 27, 2009

Due to the success of the introductory workshop this past weekend, I will be teaching a one day advanced Grasshopper workshop on Friday, June 12th from 9:30am-5:30pm at Forward Design Office.  This class will build upon the techniques explored during the first workshop (does not require you to have taken the first workshop) and will require a working knowledge of the software.  This class will begin to address how Grasshopper can be used as an integral part of the entire building design and fabrication process.  To this end, we will be working on a series of examples that will demonstrate how we can create parametric models that will compliment a number of different modes of fabrication, ie. CNC mill, laser cutter, area calculations, panel systems, formatting information for custom spreadsheets, etc.  If you are interested in signing up for this class, please email  Cost $250.00 per peson and open to students and professionals (laptops required).

Location: Forward Design Office 758 East Colorado Blvd, Suite 210  Pasadena, CA 91101 

Article originally appeared on [Andrew Payne] (
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